Information in English

Welcome, visitors from all over the world!

Amateur radio, especially on the short wave bands, is an international hobby that knows no borders, neither of country nor of language. I think it is a great achievement that we can all be equal and friends, no matter what background one has.
Still it needs an universal language we can communicate with, and for most of us that will of course be English. Now it would need too much effort to keep this whole blog bi-lingual, instead I decided that I will chose language on an individual basis per article, mainly depending on the target group. (The focus will probably be on German, though.)

Please note: I am transgender and amd living (and operating) under the name of Daria since 2017. 🙂 So in case you are wondering, this is no illegal activity or abuse of my callsign. Your callbook might be outdated, though…

That’s all for now – if you have any questions, feel free to drop me a line via mail to dj6dp <at> 🙂